Client Project(s): Denver Austin

I am fortunate to count Denver Austin among my close friends, and our collaborative journey over the past few years has been nothing short of inspiring. Denver, a highly skilled and underappreciated singer/songwriter, is tirelessly dedicating himself to making a mark in the competitive music industry.

In addition to our friendship, our collaboration has been mutually enriching. Designing Denver’s song covers and logo has provided me with invaluable opportunities to enhance my skills in graphic design and strengthen my proficiency with various design programs. It’s not just about creating visuals; it’s about translating the substance of Denver’s music into visually captivating representations.

If you haven’t experienced Denver’s musical talent yet, I highly recommend giving his work a listen here.

Single Cover Art

Displayed is a cool lineup of song covers I whipped up for Denver. Each one’s got its own vibe, matching the feel of the song it represents. I had a blast trying out different styles to keep things interesting. Plus, I picked up some new tricks with Photoshop, Blender, and some A.I programs along the way. It’s always fun creating these covers and showcase not only my creative journey but also the technical skills I’ve picked up.

Logo Design

A simple, modern, and futuristic logo design I made for Denver Austin.

If you enjoyed my designs, follow me on social media!